Demanding a dignified treatment as a patient is also taking care of your health

By: Susana Cohen Cats Twitter: susanacohen_


Surely you remember that time you got sick and noticed that something was wrong because you left the office with more doubts than at the beginning and the doctor did not give you the confidence you needed. And although it is understandable to remain silent when you are convalescing because you feel vulnerable and you are not worried about fighting but about yourself or your relatives, remember that you have the right to ask and not have any doubts because your speedy recovery or that of your family may depend on it. family. This security in medical treatment is what protects your rights as a patient.

These rights are based on the principle that all medical acts must be preceded by the patient’s consent, and when this cannot be taken by the sick person, the decision is transferred to the closest relatives, so that no one can be forced to accept a treatment or therapy, even if the doctor considers it strictly necessary.

It should be noted that there is an exception to the above rule: “when public health is in danger”; As has happened in the recent cases of influenza in which we live health emergencies, so the government has the power to take measures to prevent contagion to the population and trigger a pandemic.